Jan 20, 2013

Flash Fiction

Joan pushed me in, her hands trembling ever so slightly. She was new at this, you see. I wasn’t her first, but still, she was new at this. Perhaps that explained her short attention span, at least towards me. I didn’t mind though. I liked watching her as she deliberated between the various ideas going on in her head, while I did my business. Every once in a while, she would pause to note down something in her shiny, new notebook. 
She was weird that way.
But then she would return to me, beads of sweat glistening on her forehead as she screwed up her rather symmetrical eyes in concentration. 

Sometimes when the day was hot, and our heat got too much for her, she would stop to switch on the fan. I know what you’re thinking, but hey, I liked her quirkiness.

It didn’t just end there. You wouldn’t know it to look at her, but she was quite methodical; taking her own sweet time to do things and making sure she saw each action to its conclusion. 

She liked to experiment. Sometimes, she would switch me out for something bigger, something harder. Sometimes, she would get in others and alternate between us. I was her favorite though.

She was good at this, and a very fast learner. In fact, soon she was teaching her friends about me. I, of course, loved all the attention, and she enjoyed giving it just as much. 

But despite whatever estimations you may have formed of her, she was a safe user.  

In what was rather obviously my least favorite moment of the day, she would loudly scream, “eject!” and proceed to cautiously pull me out.

You see as a mere pen drive, I didn’t have much choice in the matter.

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